Friday, December 14, 2007

Father day

Hello I still update my block for you this week was very importance for many families in Thailand because it was father day so let me tell you what I have done
After I had finished Ethic class on Saturday 1 December. This week I was very busy because I had to go up and down between Bangkok and Chachoengsao. First this week I decided to buy a piano since I have been thinking about it for 2 months. At first my family didn’t agree with me because in the past I fail with my xylophone. Till today my father and my older sister agree with me and let me buy it finally because of my persistence. So I started to select my piano. I went to paragon with my younger sister and in internet but all of them didn’t have the piano that I wanted. I felt very impetuous finally I find the number of the Yamaha call center in the internet then they told me that they have one. That time I felt very happy I quickly reserve it. Then on Tuesday when I went back form the university I went back to Chachoengsao that night. Luckily my younger sister came to Bangkok on Tuesday so I went back to Chachoengsao with her car because if she didn’t come I must went back by train or bus that always full with people seriously on holiday. It took about one hour and a half on express way with speed at 120 km per hour. So I went out from Bangkok at 19.00 pm I arrived my home at 8.20 pm. Then I just played a game and went to food mall. One Wednesday I gave my flower to my dad because it was father day everyone in the house done the same thing to my dad it was a tradition. That made my father went red and smile with happiness. My family had a long chat that night. Next day I felt really lazy to go to university because I must go there by train and I also had class in the morning but I was a good student so I try hard to get up and caught the train.
This week I felt really happy and warm with my family but I still tired about went to Chachoengsao. My experience about father’s day was good. I think it’s good for Thai people to have this tradition. It can motivate a strong relationship between everyone in the family. I think this tradition can prevent teenager to be a drunk or an addict.

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