Saturday, November 10, 2007


I have an exciting experience to update my block during my week. It happen because careless of some people that even kill him.
In this week my life is a bit trouble in my life because my light is broken down so I called my mechanic at my condominium. He came to my room in about ten minute since I called. He is a young man, black dirty jacket and very hard smell like usual mechanic. It made me feel disgusting but I can handle that. Then I point to the light that broken down. First he said that he can’t do anything because it broken down form the inside and it was the serious part so it seem to buy a new one. Then I ordered him to buy a new one or me. He accepted and left my room to go to the shop for a while then he came back to my condominium but he did not get anything back because my light it was really special and old type but he came back whit new idea to solved this problem foe me so he tried to solved the problem but he did not cut off the electricity during fixing the light. I told him that it was not safe for him but he did not care what I said and answered me that was fine for him to work whit the electricity was running. I was very confused because he has to do the work in the hard way, he can’t touch the electricity wire while he was working. I was thinking in my head “Just cut off the electricity then you can finish your work easy in few minute”. Then he asked me for the cloth to protect himself form the electricity so I gave him and still worried that if he sweat something worse maybe happen. Then about ten minutes later. I sited and think that maybe something I was worried not going to happen. The blue light was shining and the noise grows louder. He jumped off there in time. I scream very loud. Then the blur light and the noise was gone but left the black smoke around there. So my light went black with burn. I was very angry with his careless that make me wasted time and the money with not get anything better. So I told him to stop working leave the room. Then I called my father and told him everything about this he also agreed with me that the mechanic was really sucked.
This story remind me about the teaching of my Buddha that always teach people that do not careless on everything you do because careless maybe bring doom to your life. Therefore if I have to call the mechanic again l will surely not call him and cut off the electricity first even he or she want it or not for my safety because if someone died in my condominium I won’t to live there anymore.

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