Saturday, February 9, 2008

Wonderful memories

This week I have many actives to do. So let see what l have done
My sister appointed me went to eat dinner with her officer. First I felt not comfortable because I didn’t know them well. The restaurant that we went name was Lake Hill. This restaurant was made like a house on the lake and in the eating room it also has karaoke. My younger sister waited for a week till we can get ours room. I thought in Thailand this kind of restaurant is very famous. You can have your own room with delicious food, karaoke, good view and satisfied service. We went there at 8 pm but my officer didn’t come yet so we ordered many foods because we were very hungry that time. The food was very delicious I ate till I get worry about my weight. Then my officer arrived. So we have eight people in the room. First we start eating and chat for a while when the food were running out and all of us get full we start sang a song. That was an incredible night because I have fun with people who older than me about fifteen years. We sang till the restaurant closed at 11.30 pm. Then the next day I also had an appointment with my closed friend, she study in Kasetsart University. We didn’t meet each other for a long time since the last semester of high school but we still talk to each other. I told her that I lose weight a lot, about thirteen kg. So she wanted to meet me very much. Then I thought about the final exam is nearly come but if I didn’t appoint her at this time we will not see each other until the end of final exam. Thus I decided to appoint her this week at Fuji restaurant because she likes Japanese food. When I met her at first I very surprise because she looks older but she didn’t seem surprise when she saw me. She just said you were thin. I have to tell you that I in dieted for a while and I think I will be become crazy because I were too worried about my weight and it made me feel tired. When I ate dinner with her I odder a little food because I worried about my weight but finally I lose to green tea ice cream because it was very tasty and I can’t control myself not to eat it. Then we just went to Paragon and walk around there. We discovered one room that full of many people. We went in that room so I understood immediately that was a kind of big sale. I asked the officer and they told me that this will happen just once a year. I thought I will come with my sister later. Then the next day I have a meeting with my friends because one of my friends would go to study at China so this will be a kind of farewell party.
This week was such a busy week for me again but I have many wonderful memories.


Chompoonut881 said...

I love Fuji Restuarant. I like the japanese food as you sister does.

Lake Hill Restaurant is interesting. I've never been there before. I hope I will go there someday.

Dollaporn881 said...

I hope, you will have many wonderful memories in the future Na. You still have 3 years in the University.

phanphatchara said...

have you ever try OTTOYA once
So, Yummy na ja ^^