Saturday, February 9, 2008


This week I realize about my study and I think I become serious than before because the final exam are coming.
After, I relaxed for a long time. I was getting worried about my studying. Every subject is getting harder. It’s nearly final. I have many assignments which I didn’t do it and I begin to it just now. I know I should do it after the teacher ordered immediately. I’m sorry about that. All made me feel so serious; I’ll tell you about course which I register this semester. The first is Property and Land Law. It prescribes right and duty of properties and lands. According to the land Act and other laws involved. For example, you’ll lose your land, but you didn’t stay there. Then, other people stay there more than 10 years. Following Property and Land Law’ you’ll lose your land. The teacher who teaches me this subject is very kind and lovely. When she teaches, she always smiles and gives clear examples. My friends love and respect her so much. The second is Law of Juristic Acts and Contracts; it is about a study of how people think when they make a contact and it will affect the contract as well. So this subject I begin to confused many. I knew. Students who are in BBA also study it in the business Law I but my subject is difficult than that because I’m a law student. I must focus on many details and much more analysis. Moreover, I got very low marks in this subject. The third is Criminal Law I. it’s about theory of criminal liability, scope of criminal law, attempt principals and accessories, concurrence of offenses, recidivism, prescription, penalties and criminological and penological theories, for example, criminal who has different ages or different willfulness get a different punishment. The forth is General Psychology, it contains the processes, factors, and different of psychological theories such as motivations, temperament and mental concepts. Also, social adjustment and its relationship to an individual’s personality, attitudes, personal, activities and mental health. The others are introduction to Economic and English for law II. This two subjects I think it ok for me especially introduct Economic because I understand this subject very well and my point is quite good.
This week, I went to watch a movie with my friends. That movie called Cloverfield. Many people criticize about this movie actually; I think this is a good movie. I like it. It is a new style of movie. You will feel like you are a part of this movie.


phanphatchara said...

>_< do your bst na my friend.
i wish we can get through this together.

Chompoonut881 said...

We are going to fight for passing all the tests.


Dollaporn881 said...

You don't worry,ok. I think; you can pass if you attemp to do it.
We will pass with together Na.

Tropical Penguin said...