Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pet Zone

It was a nice morning. I wish that I could be in my bed dreaming about something cool. Too bad, I wasn’t in my bed. I had to wake myself up so early this morning because I have an appointment with my high school friends. We are agree to have a basket ball match at my high school to remind some fun that we once made when we were high school students.
I ran to the taxi as fast as I could. Then, I arrived at 8 A.M. it was a bit late. So, I ran into my school to see my friends. Before I could find them, the guard come from nowhere and stops me. He said I have no permission to get in. it was weird I didn’t know that alumni must have a permission to visit their old school. He asked me to leave, but I told him that my friends were waiting for me inside school at basketball courts. Then, he let me go I walked in and saw my old school looks a bit different from the last year. It was way better than before. Then, I arrived at a basketball court. My friends are all there and waiting for me. I ran to them and apologize for being late. Then, we started the game. We played basketball till noon. We had a good time. Then, we went to my home to take a bath. After that, we went to JJ market. I love to go to JJ market because this place has so many neat things and cool staff. Actually my purpose to go there is seeking for some pets for my sister.
I went to pet zone. This zone is full of animals. Even wild animals are also there. I went to many shops, but I didn’t feel happy at all. It’s all because I feel so upset to see animals stay in cages. They should by somewhere that they belong to. Snakes should be in the field or the forest, a chameleon should be on the tree, or birds should be up there in the sky. When my eyes meet with one dog’s eyes, I feel so sad for it. That dog is so young. It should be able run in a wide place. It should be happier outside the cage. This dog stays in a tiny cage and doesn’t do anything. It just sitting there and groan for a help. I wish that I could buy that dog, but I couldn’t. If I bought that dog, that’s mean I’m helping the seller to do such a thing like this. What I can really do is walking away very fast without looking back. In this way, it helps me from changing my mind.
On my way home, I was thinking that how can those animals live in a small place and what do the sellers feed them. Are they eating good foods? I was worry too much that day. When I arrived home, I talked to my sister. So, I feel a little bit better. Then, I went back to my room and play my online computer games for relax.


phanphatchara said...

Are you a part of JOY's Table discussion arrr 5555+

Dollaporn881 said...

Yes, you should to talk with Joy Na because when Joy went to conference at Malaysia, she got the Topic about wildlife trafficking.