Saturday, February 9, 2008

Wonderful memories

This week I have many actives to do. So let see what l have done
My sister appointed me went to eat dinner with her officer. First I felt not comfortable because I didn’t know them well. The restaurant that we went name was Lake Hill. This restaurant was made like a house on the lake and in the eating room it also has karaoke. My younger sister waited for a week till we can get ours room. I thought in Thailand this kind of restaurant is very famous. You can have your own room with delicious food, karaoke, good view and satisfied service. We went there at 8 pm but my officer didn’t come yet so we ordered many foods because we were very hungry that time. The food was very delicious I ate till I get worry about my weight. Then my officer arrived. So we have eight people in the room. First we start eating and chat for a while when the food were running out and all of us get full we start sang a song. That was an incredible night because I have fun with people who older than me about fifteen years. We sang till the restaurant closed at 11.30 pm. Then the next day I also had an appointment with my closed friend, she study in Kasetsart University. We didn’t meet each other for a long time since the last semester of high school but we still talk to each other. I told her that I lose weight a lot, about thirteen kg. So she wanted to meet me very much. Then I thought about the final exam is nearly come but if I didn’t appoint her at this time we will not see each other until the end of final exam. Thus I decided to appoint her this week at Fuji restaurant because she likes Japanese food. When I met her at first I very surprise because she looks older but she didn’t seem surprise when she saw me. She just said you were thin. I have to tell you that I in dieted for a while and I think I will be become crazy because I were too worried about my weight and it made me feel tired. When I ate dinner with her I odder a little food because I worried about my weight but finally I lose to green tea ice cream because it was very tasty and I can’t control myself not to eat it. Then we just went to Paragon and walk around there. We discovered one room that full of many people. We went in that room so I understood immediately that was a kind of big sale. I asked the officer and they told me that this will happen just once a year. I thought I will come with my sister later. Then the next day I have a meeting with my friends because one of my friends would go to study at China so this will be a kind of farewell party.
This week was such a busy week for me again but I have many wonderful memories.


This week I realize about my study and I think I become serious than before because the final exam are coming.
After, I relaxed for a long time. I was getting worried about my studying. Every subject is getting harder. It’s nearly final. I have many assignments which I didn’t do it and I begin to it just now. I know I should do it after the teacher ordered immediately. I’m sorry about that. All made me feel so serious; I’ll tell you about course which I register this semester. The first is Property and Land Law. It prescribes right and duty of properties and lands. According to the land Act and other laws involved. For example, you’ll lose your land, but you didn’t stay there. Then, other people stay there more than 10 years. Following Property and Land Law’ you’ll lose your land. The teacher who teaches me this subject is very kind and lovely. When she teaches, she always smiles and gives clear examples. My friends love and respect her so much. The second is Law of Juristic Acts and Contracts; it is about a study of how people think when they make a contact and it will affect the contract as well. So this subject I begin to confused many. I knew. Students who are in BBA also study it in the business Law I but my subject is difficult than that because I’m a law student. I must focus on many details and much more analysis. Moreover, I got very low marks in this subject. The third is Criminal Law I. it’s about theory of criminal liability, scope of criminal law, attempt principals and accessories, concurrence of offenses, recidivism, prescription, penalties and criminological and penological theories, for example, criminal who has different ages or different willfulness get a different punishment. The forth is General Psychology, it contains the processes, factors, and different of psychological theories such as motivations, temperament and mental concepts. Also, social adjustment and its relationship to an individual’s personality, attitudes, personal, activities and mental health. The others are introduction to Economic and English for law II. This two subjects I think it ok for me especially introduct Economic because I understand this subject very well and my point is quite good.
This week, I went to watch a movie with my friends. That movie called Cloverfield. Many people criticize about this movie actually; I think this is a good movie. I like it. It is a new style of movie. You will feel like you are a part of this movie.

Pet Zone

It was a nice morning. I wish that I could be in my bed dreaming about something cool. Too bad, I wasn’t in my bed. I had to wake myself up so early this morning because I have an appointment with my high school friends. We are agree to have a basket ball match at my high school to remind some fun that we once made when we were high school students.
I ran to the taxi as fast as I could. Then, I arrived at 8 A.M. it was a bit late. So, I ran into my school to see my friends. Before I could find them, the guard come from nowhere and stops me. He said I have no permission to get in. it was weird I didn’t know that alumni must have a permission to visit their old school. He asked me to leave, but I told him that my friends were waiting for me inside school at basketball courts. Then, he let me go I walked in and saw my old school looks a bit different from the last year. It was way better than before. Then, I arrived at a basketball court. My friends are all there and waiting for me. I ran to them and apologize for being late. Then, we started the game. We played basketball till noon. We had a good time. Then, we went to my home to take a bath. After that, we went to JJ market. I love to go to JJ market because this place has so many neat things and cool staff. Actually my purpose to go there is seeking for some pets for my sister.
I went to pet zone. This zone is full of animals. Even wild animals are also there. I went to many shops, but I didn’t feel happy at all. It’s all because I feel so upset to see animals stay in cages. They should by somewhere that they belong to. Snakes should be in the field or the forest, a chameleon should be on the tree, or birds should be up there in the sky. When my eyes meet with one dog’s eyes, I feel so sad for it. That dog is so young. It should be able run in a wide place. It should be happier outside the cage. This dog stays in a tiny cage and doesn’t do anything. It just sitting there and groan for a help. I wish that I could buy that dog, but I couldn’t. If I bought that dog, that’s mean I’m helping the seller to do such a thing like this. What I can really do is walking away very fast without looking back. In this way, it helps me from changing my mind.
On my way home, I was thinking that how can those animals live in a small place and what do the sellers feed them. Are they eating good foods? I was worry too much that day. When I arrived home, I talked to my sister. So, I feel a little bit better. Then, I went back to my room and play my online computer games for relax.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Koh Yhai Trip

Hello everyone this week I went to a beautiful place and it nears Bangkok.
I went to Koh Yhai with my sister and her friends. It was a one day trip. We start our trip in the early morning. When I arrived there, I felt the fresh air. I couldn’t imagine that this place was very close to Bangkok. I was thinking that I’m in somewhere far away. I was really enjoy it. We went to waterfall. It was so beautiful. I always loved to hear the water flow, sound liked melody from the nature. We sat there for a while. No one started the conversations. We just watched the waterfall, absorbed in the beauty of nature. When I realized, it was noon. Our stomachs were rumbling with hunger. We decided to eat at Chockchai’s. This place was very famous for its steak. We went in and we were hanging a hard time finding a table. It was much crowed there. I was excited because I’ve never eaten there before. I thought it could be nice to eat there. Since I turned around and see those cows standing over there. I feel guilty. I realized the fact that people can eat everything, even big animals. They weren’t feeling any guilty to eat them.
After I finished my lunch, I felt regret. I shouldn’t eat things that this. It wasn’t delicious as I have been told. I was feeling so upset about it. Even now, I can’t still get the pictures of those cows out of my mind. After we finished lunch, we went to souvenir shop to buy something to my friends. I saw so many products from Chockchai such as milk ice-cream, milk candy, roast beef, dried-salted meat, Chinese sausages, and curry puff. I took a long time before making a decision. Finally, I bought a pack of milk candy to my friends. I hope that they will like my souvenir.
Before the end of the trip, we went up to the hill to test my new truck. We’ve just bought the new 4 wheels truck. It provides 2 kind of gears, but we didn’t know how to use it. So, we brought one of my sister’s friends. He knew how it works. So, we asked him to explain how to use it. I was worry at first because this car was very new. I was afraid that my car may get hit somehow. I told my sister of what I thought about it, but she thought it was crazy. Anyway, my car is still alright now. After we had done with testing new car, we went straight back home. It was a busy traffic in Bangkok. I was so sick of it. I wished that I could live at the Koh Yhai, so I won’t be stuck in the traffic jam and I could get the fresh air all the time. Too bad I can only wish because I have to study and my university is in Bangkok. If I live at Koh Yhai, I’ll have to drive 3 hours to go to my university. I think it’s a waste of time. After this semester ended, I am planning to go back there for a week to take a break from my tired life.